Monday, February 22, 2010

Embracing Change

What does it take for a society to embrace a different way of doing something? Our current system of consuming electricity starts at a central power plant. The energy produced is then directed to homes through an extensive network of substations and power lines. Large costs go into each foot of the electrical infrastructure. Conversely, a new model for energy consumption has been created by Bloom Energy. This week, Bloom Energy released plans for the new electrical infrastructure that would put a micro power plant in every backyard. The company's plans outline a greener and more cost efficient way to produce and consume energy with a device called the Bloombox. But the current energy model is very invested into landlines and large power production companies. With a better model that saves money and stamps a green footprint in every yard, is there a obligation to convert society? I'm not talking about a single product, but the entire way that we think about energy consumption. A way that we've unanimously followed sense Tesla created the energy framework.

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